
Backstory....Unnecessary, But Still

...which I actually want to give because I think it's slightly sick and hugely hilarious that I named my half-assed bit of cyberspace after a snippet of rudeness* on the subject of human rights by a man whose dead body, sans head, has been on display in a glass-fronted wooden cabinet at UCL since 1850 (apparently the real head is still around but had to be removed from the cabinet because students kept stealing it). And he requested the preservation in his will. If that isn't batty, I don't know what is. And I now realise, political theory class is excellent fodder for angle.
*he called it nonsense on stilts. Guess what that turns into when one bored intern gets all fired up with blogging motivation after a three hour conversation re: clothes over coffee one Saturday evening. For all that I grumble about boys being so fashion-clueless, it's odd that this blog owes its genesis to one of the species, who incidentally cleans up quite nicely when he bothers to, and doesn't laugh at me because I like clothes even if I do get put in a headlock on occasion. Sample interaction being along the general lines of:
*one party smacks the other*
*other party turns around and tries to smack in return- which is, of course, useless if the aggressor is the better part of a foot taller*
P2: You started it!
P1: No, you started it.
P2: How did I start it?
P1: *makes like he's about to bite P2's finger*
P2: Stoppit!
P1: So what're you going to do about it, huh? *puts P2 in headlock*
P2: Daddy, gerrofme! (of course, this comes out greatly muffled by the fact that my head is under someone's armpit, and speaking while trying to separate your neck from an elbow is never conducive to coherence. Incidentally, there's also attempted kicking going on)
P1: *lets go, eventually, after he gets bored*
P2: *gives him the raspberry*
The best part? We're in our twenties.


Meg said...

I'm familiar with this form of interaction. So, so well.

I always think a backstory is a good idea, now when people ask why your blog is called...? You can point them in this direction.

Yohan said...

So thid person has Daddy as a nickname? Interesting. Sort of jazz-ers Daddy-o type thing?

There are potentially gossipy comments I could make, but I'll leave them up in the air.

Blue Floppy Hat said...

I left out the occasional kicking, and the hairpulling. The only difference between us and toddlers is that we aren't trying to puree each other's brains with building blocks..
And yes, Yohan, it is a nickname.

Perakath said...

Who is this preserved man? Someone famous?

Yes Daddy leaves comments on her other blog... at least he used to. I used to think it was her real dad!

There are potentially offensive comments I could make, but I too will leave them up in the air so that they can get together with Yohan's and make little comments of their own...

Perakath said...

Oops Floppo got her comment in before mine...

Yohan said...

I'm thinking unless we make these comments explicit she's going to act like they don't exist! Hee hee.

Blue Floppy Hat said...

The man in the wooden cabinet was Jeremy Bentham. I'm guessing things by him will turn up in most human rights-related courses.
If you have offensive comments to make, bring 'em on. At the risk of my telling you off, of course.

Maddy said...

I understand this particular type of friendship. My boy-type friends and I often have impromptu fights as a result of one stealing the other's chips. I always lose these, though, because I am a sissy.

Blue Floppy Hat said...

I always lose mine because I'm so much shorter..try being held at arm's length by your collar and laughed at by the holder.
It's a funny thing- most of my really close guy friends do this sort of thing all the time. One of them used to pull my hat over my nose whenever he could manage it. Another tries to break my hand every time we do a handshake demo. A third just settles for stamping on the toes of my shoes, which means I'm more or less stuck to sneakers for a bit. And then, of course, there's Daddy, who can't pass me without smacking me on the head. Boys, I tell you...

a said...

oh god, I could never bear stealing a head. wow, that was kind of random. I'm thinking out loud.
That was a very funny post, I especially love the fact that you're both in your twenties and had that fight, as I am not in my twenties yet (sigh... far from it), i have yet to know how people could resist having those kinds of fights, they're neccesary for me and my family members.

i live a weird life...

Perakath said...

Shiny happy touchy-feely people!

Queen Michelle said...

Blue. Have you considered that when boys do this to girls it's merely an advanced form of the hair pulling they did in the playground to the girl they had the hots for? Maybe the boy in question rather fancies you. Just a thought...

Blue Floppy Hat said...

Oh he doesn't fancy me, it'd be like incest minus the common gene pool, gross, and I was kind of a recluse as a kid so I never really got much playground love :)
Meg, I agree the head-stealing was incredibly random. But I know people who'd probably do it if presented with a chance.

Yohan said...

Haha. I like "shiny happy touchy-feely people." Very apt.

I would agree with QM, but I don't know the gentleman in question.

But "incest without the common gene pool"??? Youch. Now we can't take your trip about him any more.

Emma said...

god, that's a cool backstory. hahaha, v. amusing post. as always.

blushing apples said...

hello! i mentioned you on my blog! and also did i mention i love your blog? :D

Blue Floppy Hat said...

Oh dear, I'm sorry that was the lipstick lady up there...I really should be more careful.
Blushing apples, thank you :)

Snookums said...

Haha, being in your twenties and fighting over a raspberry just concludes that ... well, I'm not sure what.

But I'll never grow up either.

Boys no longer have cooties, but I did ask one because he had a headache if he was on a morphine drip.

He just egged me on, of course, which is never what you do.

Anyway, point is, the backstory was needed.
For entertainment purposes solely.

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I saw this post. The comments are awesome! Lol. :D

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Fondest of upbeat music and brightly coloured sweets.