The problem, however, arises in the fact that bloody sheer hosiery is just so snaggable. Stockings snag on everything- from toenails when you're putting them on, to splinters (miniscule ones) in the chair you're sitting on, to even the slightest of rough surfaces that you might just have grazed against- and it's annoying, because even though they're a fairly decent way to stop the winter wind taking the skin off your legs, the constant vigilance is a bit of a pain. The rise of sheer hosiery may have been predicted a long time ago, but I'm actually wondering if I can make it work. The old legs do need some covering-up, after all, and wearing jeans all the time is so not my look. Though I have a long, long way to go before I look half as good as the femme in the picture above...
picture borrowed from The Facehunter.
my sister audited for a sock company and managed to snag me some knee high socks, but that's about as high the opaque tights/socks got for me. maybe you could ask someone in delhi to source some opaque tights for you or dye thermals yourself.
Jesus, snagged tights are the devil's doing.
I am constantly devising ways to disguise my runs.
I read somewhere that a bit of clear nail polish will fix snag in stocking. Never tried it cause I read that tip in old issue of Seventeen magazine from 1999 that I skimmed through at the doctor's office.
Ick...I hate the toenail snag. *shudders*
yeah, clear nailpolish or bit of hairspray will stop the snag from being bigger...and these tips are from my ballet teacher so :P
sheer knee-highs look so good!
and sheer hosiery in general!
why haven't I got them before?
I must try the nail polish next time I get a snag, but I can never save my snags from turning into giant ladders! And unfortunately for me, I can't be punky enough to just flaunt the tears.
Thanks for the tips, everyone.
I don't have any tips, but I loved the sheer tights in MJ's Spring/Summer 08 show... and my favorite pair of black opaque tights just got a huge snag which is now a gaping hole in the knee. :(
You should see if any online store has good sweater tights... warmer than pants in some instances! And practically snag-free, though you have to worry about pilling.
My wife uses a drop of nail polish to fix small snags in stockings, and I once saw her repair a fishnet stocking with a needle and black cotton.
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