The fact that my immediate environment is a painfully unstylish, even sartorially horrific at times, place is something I lament loudly and often. And all I'm thinking now, is why on earth didn't I take the camera along to capture the only evidence so far that I wasn't entirely right?
To be fair, the local chain bookstore isn't exactly the place one expects to be stunned in. And I certainly didn't expect to be distracted from my browse by, of all things, a green hoodie with the inside of its hood covered in sequins. And not just any sequins- silver pailettes, no less, which looked nothing short of spectacular given that the hood was down. Pity I was too much of a chicken to actually ask the girl wearing it just where she got it least she didn't notice the staring..
I've been trawling the Internet for a pic that resembles the real-life one, and the only approximation I found was the picture below; try imagining the sequins onto the inside of the hood and you'll have something like what I saw.
Picture from here.
I've been trawling the Internet for a pic that resembles the real-life one, and the only approximation I found was the picture below; try imagining the sequins onto the inside of the hood and you'll have something like what I saw.

That seems like such a statement piece. Brave girl. I'd be afraid to approach too.
I love that sweatshirt. Awesome.
Awesome, it's so great when stuff like that happens! It really inspires me to keep up the dream of living a life of sartorial bliss. ( I said 'dream,' btw :)
Sounds like my next DIY project...
Ooh, I love the amount of sequinned goodies I see in shopes at the moment; whilst this hoodie isn't my style, it still made me smile!
That sounds awesome. I wonder if I could approximate it....
Aw, you should have asked her about it. I'm sure she would have been thrilled!
The hood in the picture looks a bit like chain mail to me...very fitting as far as the 'armour' theme was in full force at so many shows.
The one I saw was a bit different, though- as I said, the sequins were pailettes (round ones) sewn onto the inside of the hood. And the sweatshirt itself was just a regular green slightly oversized thing, with a big hood- it was the utter nonchalance with which she wore it that stunned me even more than the sequins themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a very careful DIY job- there aren't any places in india that seem like likely candidates to sell a sequinned-on-the-inside hoodie.
Wendy, I know any sensible person would've asked, right? Sadly, I am a chicken. I should just make squawking noises now...
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