1. Box of After Eight mints. Ordinarily this would be a plain bar of Dairy Milk, but I was feeling a bit flush last week so I decided to sate my mint chocolate cravings instead...they're about half over now.
2. Large notepad, which I usually fold up when it goes in the bag.
3. Random CD.
4. Pen.
5. Paper bag of sweets....which I've eaten.
6. Map of Delhi, more like a tourist guide really. K gave it to me last year, though he should have been the one keeping it since he'd never been to the city before (note: we don't live in Delhi, we were just interning there).
7. Band pin, purchased in Calcutta.
8. My recent read: Corridor by Sarnath Banerjee. I wasn't very taken with it when it first came out, but I got it as a present last month and it turned out to be, well, not bad. Especially if the reader's spent significant amounts of time in Delhi and Calcutta, or maybe anywhere in urban India really (thanks, daddy!).
9. Clip to hold hair back with. I don't often use that one.
10. Lip gloss, vanilla flavoured. I know I rhapsodised about the joys of red lipstick last week, but gloss is not an easy habit to break when you've been using it from the age of ten- and this is yummy (hair getting stuck to gloss isn't such an issue for me, given that I wear mine tied back).
11. Pink tictac hairclip. It belonged to a set of four, now it's the last one left.
12. Sheer black stockings, newly purchased.
13. Wallet. I sometimes go out without a bag if I have pockets to stash the wallet and phone, but they are an absolute must.
14. Phone.
15. Vicks cough drops (at certain other points in time, the bag might contain a painkiller and a tiny bottle of water to gulp it down with in place of these).
16. Cardboard coasters from restaurants I visited last year, currently in use as bookmarks.
I'm a little worried about the fact that my keys seem to be missing- shame, since I really loved my keychain and have had it for over five years now (it's stainless steel and shaped like a silver court shoe). But now that it's my turn to pass this on, I'm tagging Rhiannon of Liebemarlene Vintage, Headmistress of Salt and Schizophrenia, Katie Rosemary of Sugarplum Ragdoll, Romeika of A Room of One's Own and Elisabeth of Wine Glass Logistics to do the show and tell (or at least the tell, if anonymity concerns/camera malfunctions prevent you from doing the show).
2. Large notepad, which I usually fold up when it goes in the bag.
3. Random CD.
4. Pen.
5. Paper bag of sweets....which I've eaten.
6. Map of Delhi, more like a tourist guide really. K gave it to me last year, though he should have been the one keeping it since he'd never been to the city before (note: we don't live in Delhi, we were just interning there).
7. Band pin, purchased in Calcutta.
8. My recent read: Corridor by Sarnath Banerjee. I wasn't very taken with it when it first came out, but I got it as a present last month and it turned out to be, well, not bad. Especially if the reader's spent significant amounts of time in Delhi and Calcutta, or maybe anywhere in urban India really (thanks, daddy!).
9. Clip to hold hair back with. I don't often use that one.
10. Lip gloss, vanilla flavoured. I know I rhapsodised about the joys of red lipstick last week, but gloss is not an easy habit to break when you've been using it from the age of ten- and this is yummy (hair getting stuck to gloss isn't such an issue for me, given that I wear mine tied back).
11. Pink tictac hairclip. It belonged to a set of four, now it's the last one left.
12. Sheer black stockings, newly purchased.
13. Wallet. I sometimes go out without a bag if I have pockets to stash the wallet and phone, but they are an absolute must.
14. Phone.
15. Vicks cough drops (at certain other points in time, the bag might contain a painkiller and a tiny bottle of water to gulp it down with in place of these).
16. Cardboard coasters from restaurants I visited last year, currently in use as bookmarks.
I'm a little worried about the fact that my keys seem to be missing- shame, since I really loved my keychain and have had it for over five years now (it's stainless steel and shaped like a silver court shoe). But now that it's my turn to pass this on, I'm tagging Rhiannon of Liebemarlene Vintage, Headmistress of Salt and Schizophrenia, Katie Rosemary of Sugarplum Ragdoll, Romeika of A Room of One's Own and Elisabeth of Wine Glass Logistics to do the show and tell (or at least the tell, if anonymity concerns/camera malfunctions prevent you from doing the show).
So you read Corridor...no you should check out The Barn Owl's Wondrous Caper. Scatterbrained, but quite interesting.
This post is a window into a work rarely seen by guys. My sister's and mother's bags have always been mystery-zones.
Wow, you have a lot in your bag!It's a very private thing indeed, but it's fine with me:-) I might do the post sometime during this week or the next, thanks for tagging me, it's fun! ^^
I like your helpful numbering system!
Your bag is so neat and organized! I'm kind of afraid to show off my bag now but I'll do it, I promise. :)
Yohan: I think I'll give it a try sometime, thanks for the recco..
Romeika: Come to think of it, my bag is actually quite big, and nothing I carry is large except for the notebook- the other books, map etc. are slim, so they're an easy fit. And take your time with the tag- no need to hurry.
Wendy: I had to number them- the light isn't good enough to see with!
Rhiannon: I think you've been misled by the fact of the numbering...most of the things on display, when they were in the bag, were randomly littered in the bottom, along with the old bills and sweet wrappers I chucked out.
This is the bag of a true traveler! And R.'s comment reminds me that I need to get rid of some debris in the bottom of my bag--there is a turkey feather in there somewhere. I found it while out walking and brought it home to identify it. I thought if I one day make an Indian headdress....
thanks the encouraging comment:)
if only my bag was as organised as yours....
You're a candy person, like me. I love how gooey After Eights are.
That's one big bag!
(thank you for adding my blog to your list!)
Boy you took some trouble over that numbered photo :)
I like that you're more worried about your keychain being missing than the keys themselves :)
Those look like Piccadelhi coasters.
You don't carry a cellphone charger? I guess having to come back to your hostel room every night makes it unnecessary...
india ! oh!
juliet xxx
ah thank you! I will get to it soonish. My bag is an absolute monster mess though...
Ha ha! I see you carry around sweet wrappers & bus tickets too! LLG xx
Oh I loved this. I wonder if theres a blog entirely dedicated to the contents of peoples bags. It says so much about them without being too explicit . funtimes!
Suzanna: A turkey feather? Wow...I'm thinking of tripping out and buying some peacock feathers to fix onto something velvety..not sure if it'll work though.
Lily: You're welcome, and as I said in the post- the contents weren't all on show, it's really quite a messy bag :)
ENC: I love After Eights, anything minty has my automatic love. And I'm happy to have another great blog to read.
Perakath: Why would I need a charger when my phone batteries are good for up to three days at a go?
Juliet: I guess my location isn't always clear..
Headmistress: Take your time, and your bag can't be messier than mine so no worries on that score :)
LLG: Sweet wrappers and bus tickets will be the death of me one day...I have the very bad habit of chucking paper rubbish in my bag when there are no dustbins around.
Masala Chai: I like looking at other people's posts, but I don't know what my bag says about me other than the fact that I eat too much candy. But funtimes it is..
What a sweet idea!
I'll have to see what I can come up with (my digital camera may not let me upload at work...)
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