
Spot The Resemblance: Swans and Rebels* Edition

Again with the Black Swan things, but surely I can't be the only person who thinks that this beautiful poster, below:

looks a lot like
the symbol of the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars? I find it hilarious, given that Natalie Portman actually had a starring role in the (dreadful) prequels.

*misbegotten twist on the title of one of my favourite books of all time. Do read it if you haven't already!


WendyB said...

Great catch!

my name's Morgan. said...

haha it really does! Good spotting!
Love the blog :P


din said...

also similar: cylon raiders, from galactica.

Brad Fallon said...

Very similar.... Nice catch!

Silmi Sabila said...

Haha you're right! Gr8 blog, anyway :-D

Allegra Colletti said...

very funny...and good point!
about the prequels being dreadful i mean...lol...

cute blog...

Mitchie said...

it also looks like the phoenix, arizona flag! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Phoenix,_Arizona.svg

woenvu said...

bit late on it, but it's almost exactly the same as the Japan Airlines logo.

thalassa_mikra said...

wow, and you actually live in India? That basically looks like the khanda-kirpan symbol of the Sikh religion, which is where I'm assuming the Star Wars stylists got the idea from (plenty of Sikhs in NorCal). Have you never seen the khanda-kirpan?

West Africa Gold Exploration said...

yeah..they are most likely to be alike! hahah..thanks for the blog!

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Fondest of upbeat music and brightly coloured sweets.