In my head, clothing- or anything wearable- has two functions: to contain and protect the body, and to express the personality of the human being inside the body. Vilsbøl de Arce has always been a label whose collections seem to call most strongly to these two objectives- which is inevitable, given that Prisca de Vilsbøl and Pia de Arce, the designers behind the label, state that fashion is art that revolves around the human form.
I'm not sure whether I agree with that statement completely- IMO fashion can be art, but not always. But in the case of Vilsbøl de Arce, it's easy to see that the human form does indeed take centre stage in their designs. In a way, it's almost like having a different take on the concept of body-consciousness- Vilsbøl de Arce's designs simultaneously echo and defy the lines of the human body and its interiors, which is interesting to see.
images from and Dazed and Confused (image#3).